A Dream Born in the Andes

A Dream Born in the Andes

Hello! I'm Yaquelin, one of the founders of Inka Gold Coffee along with Jaimy. My story begins in the beautiful mountains of Cusco, in the community of Chaupimayo 'A'. Since childhood, coffee has been an essential part of my life and has inspired me and my family. I remember the fresh mornings on our family farm, the aroma of freshly roasted coffee filling the air, and the stories of my grandfather, a great landowner and cattle rancher. His legacy of entrepreneurship and leadership has always inspired me.

La Finca Quispe
La Finca Quispe - Yaquelin's birthplace

My siblings and I grew up in a constantly entrepreneurial environment. One of my brothers owns a jewelry store, another is dedicated to creating Peruvian crafts for export, and my sister owns a restaurant and a paper manufacturers. This atmosphere of creativity and hard work pushed me to pursue my own dreams.

At 12 years old, I discovered my passion for business when I started selling cakes I learned to make in workshops. That entrepreneurial spark grew with me, leading me to manage different small businesses throughout my youth. At 22, I opened my first official business, a hostel, which quickly became successful until the pandemic hit hard in 2020.

A Life-Changing Encounter
In 2021, I met Jaimy, my current partner in business and life. Like me, Jaimy has always been involved in small ventures and is inspired by his uncle Frank, an innovative leader in the technology sector who has contributed to significant companies in the Netherlands. We shared a vision and passion for business, which strengthened our relationship. Jaimy, with his experience in emerging technologies and entrepreneurial spirit, brought a fresh and valuable perspective to the team. During one of our conversations, we asked ourselves: "What product from our homeland could make an impact in Europe?" At that moment, we knew the answer was specialty coffee. That moment was like a flash of inspiration, connecting our Peruvian roots with a global vision. Thus, the idea of Inka Gold Coffee was born, uniting our passion for business with the desire to share the excellence of Peruvian coffee. 

Inka Gold Coffee - Peruvian Speciality Coffee 

The Birth of Inka Gold Coffee
In 2022, we started to explore the idea of Inka Gold Coffee. Inspired by the richness of our land and motivated by our vision of taking Peruvian coffee to new heights, we embarked on this adventure. The idea of coffee has always been present in every moment of my life and now, in Jaimy's life as well. I introduced him to the world of specialty coffee, and since then, even living in Europe, we imported coffee for our personal consumption. After tasting specialty coffee, we didn't want to go back to regular coffee. We love family coffee, especially Peruvian Cusco coffee. Now that we live in the Netherlands and have direct access to the European market, we saw a clear opportunity to be the bridge between our coffee-growing community and international markets. In 2023, we truly began to shape our dream, investing time, effort, and heart into every detail. Finally, in 2024, we proudly and enthusiastically launched our brand. We started by trading within our community and now, after further development, we are beginning operations for the general public and the European community. Inspired by the growth of Peruvian coffee in the global market, we set out to highlight the specialty coffee from Cusco. 

Speciality Coffee going to our client.

An inspiring example for us has been the revolution of Peruvian gastronomy led by chefs like Gastón Acurio. Years ago, Peruvian cuisine did not have a prominent place in the world, but thanks to their hard work and partnerships with the Peruvian state, Peruvian cuisine has been recognized and celebrated worldwide. In 2024, Peru was chosen as the Best Gastronomic Destination in Latin America, highlighting the country's cultural and natural wealth. This recognition motivates us to continue with our mission to show the world the exceptional quality of Peruvian coffee, following the example of Peruvian gastronomy.

In Peru, despite being a producer country, most people are not used to consuming specialty coffee. We want to change this mindset and introduce specialty coffee to the world, valuing it better. This comparison with Peruvian gastronomy illustrates our goal of revolutionizing the perception of Peruvian coffee.

Achievements and Recognitions
Our region, La Convención in Cusco, has been recognized for its excellence in coffee production. Specifically, the Nueva Alianza farm, managed by the Aguilar family, won first place in the "Cup of Excellence" competition in 2018 and 2021. These achievements not only make us proud but also inspire other coffee growers in the region to continue improving.

Fundo Nueva Alianza 1st place 'Cup of Excellence' 2021

Community Impact and Sustainability
At Inka Gold Coffee, it’s not just about selling coffee. Our goal is to have a positive impact on the Chaupimayo 'A' community. We work with our coffee-growing partners to improve infrastructure and provide financial education. We are committed to sustainable practices, using traditional shade-grown methods and promoting organic farming to preserve biodiversity and soil health .

Chaupimayo ''A'' Community in Cusco, Peru

We have initiated projects to improve processes and facilitate facilities that the community lacks, such as building a communal benefit plant. This project will benefit the entire Chaupimayo 'A' community, where they currently cannot have this plant due to high costs. Additionally, we seek partnerships with organizations that share our vision of sustainable development, from the private sector as well as the Peruvian government and other countries, including the European Union. An example of such initiatives is the Free Trade Agreements between the European Union and countries like Peru and Colombia, in force since 2011, which have been crucial in promoting sustainable development and creating economic ties. We need initiatives like these to make our goals a reality. It is not just our work, but a joint effort involving multiple stakeholders to achieve a lasting impact. We aim to be an example of practices that inspire and can be replicated in other regions and, why not, worldwide.

A Bright Future
We are excited about what the future holds. Our dream is to see Peruvian specialty coffee recognized and valued worldwide, just as Peruvian gastronomy has been. We want to be part of this coffee revolution, showing the world the beauty and dedication behind every cup of Inka Gold Coffee.

Thank you for being part of this adventure. Enjoy the authentic taste of Peru in every sip!

Written by Yaquelin and Jaimy, Founders of Inka Gold Coffee.

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